03 September 2007


Once upon every Halloween Eve, on an enchanted tropical island far, far to the south; there is a magical event where adults are no longer adults but return to their wild child selves and participate with a happy and free heart in the great celebration known as Fantasy Fest!

Think Cinderella, almost naked and air-brushed in amazing red roses; her carriage turns into a winged dolphin at midnight so she can take Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle for a ride as they return to Neverland!

This is what it feels like to participate in Fantasy Fest. Picture mature and serious ‘adults’ shedding their everyday ‘responsible’ personas (and often times their clothes). Like Superman stepping from his telephone booth; they are transformed from accountants, doctors, lawyers, business executives, parents, bankers, graphic artists, police officers, physical therapists, restaurant owners, teachers and any number of other respected occupations into…

(Please Note:
Keep scrolling down through multiple posts of Fun & Games.)


Patricia J. Mosca said...

I am bringing my wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy Scott said...

oh la la, now what will I be :)

Cheryl said...

These are great, and I LOVE Key West! I really must get back down there one of these days!

megan said...


Geez, it seems so easy to forget to do that!

Love these photos...thank yoU!

titration said...

On a day I need to grin and your multiple fun and games post helped! Nice. And there's some way creative body art here. Kindof amazing what people can paint, tattoo, etc. on themselves.

PixieDust said...

The body paint on the lion couple is incredible!


Judy Scott said...

Ive just read the message you left me:) how lovely and special you made me feel, thankyou ~ Judy

Anonymous said...

Oh this looks SO fun. I wish I was there. - thanks for your sweet comment on my blog and I would love to send you my frog lady:) Send me your address. cre8ve_grl@hotmail.com