03 September 2007


From all across the world (literally), over 100,000+ people remember their child within. For one alluring weekend, they come to Key West and celebrate their child’s heart and soul with enthusiasm and abandon. It is the party of parties! All are welcome. At no time is the Key West motto more truly exemplified as ONE HUMAN FAMILY.

You might think that a gathering of this size would create a certain amount of chaos and problem. Remarkably, disruptions (usually due to excessive drinking) that sometimes result in arguments/fighting, crime or ugly prejudice are so minimal it’s not even worth mentioning. It’s almost as though everyone knows this place and time and experience is sacred; born from a deeper, energetic level where people of all races, religions, political views, sexual orientation and economic levels are just that… children of the universe that still believe in sharing love, laughter and joy.

"You can understand and relate to most people better if you look at them - no matter how old or impressive they may be - as if they are children. For most of us never really grow up or mature all that much - we simply grow taller. O, to be sure, we laugh less and play less and wear uncomfortable disguises like adults, but beneath the costume is the child we always are, whose needs are simple, whose daily life is still best described by fairy tales." From the American Educator Leo Rosten.


Cheryl Finley said...

Oh my Gosh! All I have to say is "I'M COMING TO KEY WEST!!" Seriously!... let me know when this takes place in 2008! This is incredible...love the Skeleton Crew; The Lion & the Queen...oh so romantic..and the Mystical Star Man..and the Butterfly Woman.. all of them..so inspiring. Ahh, to be free..let that little child spirit out.. Thank you for this!

Everydaythings said...

Oh my heavens - just off to the travel agent to book my flight - lol!! this looks like a lot of fun with the inner child unleashed out to play!

Umā said...

wow, your post reminds me of why i love wandering around nyc - it's a place where adults are allowed to have as much fun as kids if they are so inclined. apparently key west is another one of those wonderful places! thanks for sharing!

Julia said...

Great pictures !! I feel happy looking at them !!